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B2, 27-04, City Garden, 59 Ngô Tất Tố, Bình Thạnh, TP HCM
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About US

WeVenture is a company that builds and empowers online businesses with proven business models within the Digital Entertainment, Marketing Solutions and Cyber Security Industry. The company model is known as a venture builder and follows the strategy of empowering its partners to increase their user base and accelerate growth. WeVenture provides over 12 active products in 16 markets such as UK, France, Spain, Poland, Finland and Serbia with over 4.9 million paid subscribers.. Products offered by WeVenture fall under the category of Digital Entertainment Distribution, Marketing Solutions, Payment Automation and Cyber Security. WeVentures currently invests in four different companies. The company is headquartered in Singapore and founded in November 3, 2015. As of 2015, WeVenture has expanded its offices across 5 countries worldwide with over 40 employees.

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