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Pumpkin Meet
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District 1, HCM
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2 person
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CompanyPumpkin Meet

About US

Pumpkin Meet is not just a dating app that wastes your time with endless swiping and chatting. Rather, it's a social platform designed to help you save time and actually meet worthwhile people in person as smoothly as possible, thanks to a suite of innovations in privacy, reputation scoring, and financial tools. 


The product is created by a world class decentralized technology team from UK and China. There are Web3 features that offer you better privacy, higher earning and other benefits, without causing any confusion to users who don't have any knowledge of blockchain or cryptocurrency. 


Our circle of partners include most high profile names in both traditional industries and Web3 space. Working with Pumpkin, you're guaranteed to be surrounded with popular, good-looking and talented people in many areas.


Performance bonus Performance bonus
Others Others
Flexible working time Flexible working time
Work-from-home policy Work-from-home policy

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