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Lim Tower 3, Ho Chi Minh City
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About US is a mobile games company founded in 2015 and based in Hong Kong with 40+ fulltime staff creating fun and innovative casual games for the US and English Markets. We self develop and publish on the iOS and Android App Stores.

Instafun is about embracing experiences and expressing emotions. Live every moment and let us create amazing games!

We are proud to have engaged hundreds of millions of people globally through our games and achieved a monumental feat of 1.8 billions downloads!


13ヶ月目の給与 13ヶ月目の給与
追加の健康保険 追加の健康保険
無料のランチと軽食 無料のランチと軽食
旅行/会社の旅行 旅行/会社の旅行
フル社会保険 フル社会保険

の募集職種 InstaFun

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