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Chào Bella
Icon website Website
Icon location Address
No 36, 14th Street, Him Lam Residential, Tan Hung Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City
Icon employee Number of employees
15-20 person
Icon Vacancies Number of vacancies
0 vacancy

CompanyChào Bella

About US

CHÀO BELLA, an international e-commerce company with a vision to become the biggest supplier of good quality natural cosmetics and personal care products in Vietnam.

● We import only the best-selected genuine products so all the customers can get them very easily online - anytime and anywhere.

● We care about well being and the future. Therefore we care for our planet too and we are building sustainable businesses built on green values and eco products.

● CHÀO BELLA on Shopee Mall , CHÀO BELLA on Lazada Mall, www.chaobella.com, ...


Others Others
Salary review Salary review
Travel/company trips Travel/company trips
Performance bonus Performance bonus
Free lunch and Snacks Free lunch and Snacks
Extra health insurance Extra health insurance
13th month salary 13th month salary
Full social insurance Full social insurance
Flexible working time Flexible working time

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