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CJ Foods Vietnam
Icon website Website
Icon location Alamat
Ho Chi Minh City
Icon employee Jumlah Karyawan
1,001-5,000 orang
Icon Vacancies Jumlah lowongan
12 lowongan

PerusahaanCJ Foods Vietnam

Tentang kami

Established in 1953 as the first sugar manufacturer in Korea and CJ Cheiljedang has been leading Korea's food industry for over 60 years. It spreads the excellence of Korean flavors to every corner of the world with K-Food, a cuisine that satisfies local tastes with a touch of Korean flavor.We are committed to improve the life of people in Vietnam and the people around the world through foods with high quality, hygiene and great taste value. Let's join us to create a healthy & convenient lifestyle everyday.

Rujuk kandidat ke CJ Foods Vietnam

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