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Senior Flutter Developer

Mobile Developer Flutter

Icon company Perusahaan


Icon salary Gaji kotor bulanan
Up to $1.700
Icon Location Lokasi
Remote, Vietnam, Singapore
Icon Vacancies Total Lowongan
3 persons


Laptop/desktop for works Laptop/desktop for works
Others Others
Unlimited access to online learning platform Udemy
Flexible working time Flexible working time
Work-from-home policy Work-from-home policy

Gambaran besar dan Tanggung jawab pekerjaan

We are currently seeking a Flutter Developer to join our team for a long-term project. The successful candidate will work onsite in Singapore for 3 months and go back to Vietnam to continue working from home Key Responsibilities: - Develop, test, and deploy applications using Flutter - Collaborate with team members to design robust solutions. - Participate in all phases of the agile development lifecycle. - Ensure that all applications meet the highest standards of quality and functionality.

Keahlian dan pengalaman yang dibutuhkan

- At least 5 years of experience in mobile developing - Expertise in building scalable, secure, and user-friendly Flutter applications. - Strong English communication skills. - Ability to work on a digital transformation project involving significant cultural change. - Willingness and flexibility to potentially work with multiple teams specializing in different areas as the project progresses and needs evolve. - Experience working with a large organization, in the insurance or financial services domain. - Proficiency in Dart programming language and Flutter framework. - Knowledge of mobile app development best practices, including performance optimization, security, and UI/UX design principles. - Familiarity with agile development methodologies and continuous integration/deployment processes.

Mengapa kandidat disarakan untuk posisi ini

- Opportunities to work abroad - Flight ticket, accommodation and meal allowance will be supported - Contract based (12 months) - Work from home (after 3 months onsite in Singapore)

Job Q&A

- Able to open the range for the candidate with +10 years of experience (Technical Mobile Leader - Flutter, Android, Java). How much? - Just only Contract based (12 months)

We prefer to hire within the budget

Yes, it's contract based

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