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Senior Atlassian(Jira) Developers

Operations Developer Jira

Icon company Perusahaan


Icon salary Gaji kotor bulanan
Up to $1.600
Icon Location Lokasi
Vietnam, Singapore, Remote
Icon Vacancies Total Lowongan
2 persons


Laptop/desktop for works Laptop/desktop for works
Others Others
Unlimited access to online learning platform Udemy
Flexible working time Flexible working time
Work-from-home policy Work-from-home policy

Gambaran besar dan Tanggung jawab pekerjaan

We are currently seeking a Flutter Developer to join our team for a long-term project. The successful candidate will work onsite in Singapore for 3 months and go back to Vietnam to continue working from home We are seeking experienced Senior Atlassian/Jira Developers to join our team for a long-term project. The successful candidate will work onsite in Singapore for 3 months and go back to Vietnam to continue working from home. Key Responsibilities: - Customize and enhance Jira workflows, dashboards, and plugins to meet project requirements. - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand and implement project needs. - Provide expertise in Jira administration and best practices. - Assist in the digital transformation efforts, facilitating significant cultural change within the organization. - Support multiple teams as the project evolves and expands, addressing diverse requirements in various specialization areas.

Keahlian dan pengalaman yang dibutuhkan

- Minimum of 4 years of experience in Atlassian/Jira development and administration. - Proven expertise in customizing Jira workflows, dashboards, and plugins. - Strong English communication skills for effective collaboration with the team in Singapore. - Ability to work independently and as part of a team. - Experience with digital transformation projects and an understanding of the cultural changes involved. - Flexibility to adapt to evolving project needs and work with multiple specialized teams.

Mengapa kandidat disarakan untuk posisi ini

- Opportunities to work abroad - Flight ticket, accommodation and meal allowance will be supported - Contract based (12 months) - Work from home (after 3 months onsite in Singapore)

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