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IOS Developer (Swift)

Developer iOS Development Swift Git

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PGT Solutions

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1 person(s)

Gambaran besar dan Tanggung jawab pekerjaan

iOS development support for email application development team. Develop additional functions, modify functions, and perform operation and maintenance. Support iOS application development for user email services.

Keahlian dan pengalaman yang dibutuhkan

More than 2 years of Swift development experience, experience creating unit tests with XCTest. Experience in creating basic design documents and detailed iOS application design. Experience using Git. Ability to communicate fluently with team members and customers, such as adjusting specifications and sharing progress. Japanese from N2 and above.

Mengapa kandidat disarakan untuk posisi ini

Competitive salary and performance-based bonuses. More discussion at the interview. Work location: Remote. Working time: 10:00 – 19:00.

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