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Data Engineer

Data C Pytorch Tensorflow C++

Icon company Perusahaan


Icon salary Gaji kotor bulanan
Icon Location Lokasi
Hanoi, Singapore, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh, Binh Duong
Icon Vacancies Total Lowongan
100 person(s)

Gambaran besar dan Tanggung jawab pekerjaan

- Analyze issues and risks from the current product and quantify it - Analyze the data from a variety of perspectives - Give some ideas based on the analysis to improve the accuracy of the product - Report the analysis with an understandable slide

Keahlian dan pengalaman yang dibutuhkan

- University degree in Computer Science, Data Science, IT, or equivalent - At least 3 years of experience working as a Data Engineer, Data Scientist or AI engineer position - Having a strong background in statistics (At least confident in mathematics) - Proficient with frameworks: Pytorch, TensorFlow - Having good knowledge and experience about MLOps - Proficient in Python, C/C++ programming languages - Good logical & critical thinking skills, hard-working and responsible at work. - Effective communication skills.

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