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Gupta Prince40342

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I find great people and find them great careers. This all starts with a conversation. Along the way, we'll find it together and uncover their values, personal aspirations, and next career move. And if we don't, well then we keep the conversation going, because I want to get them there. I am a data-driven and an insightful recruiter who is passionate about growing teams and dreams. From private start-ups to Fortune companies, I have grown my skills in recruiting, strategic sourcing, data analytics, and project management. My joy in recruiting, so far, has been matching top-performing and rising professionals with the right career move in the Software engineering, sales management, UX Designer, Systems Engineering Requirements Engineering Software Engineering / Development Electronic / Hardware Design Digital Design Mechanical Design Trials, Validation & Verification Safety / Reliability ILS / Supportability Project / Programme Managers Project Planners / Schedulers and defence sector Etc.

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