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EssNee Management Consultants (P) Ltd.31028

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Established in 1996, ESSNEE has created a marked path of progress in the area of Recruitment & Enterprise Resource Planning in Domestic as well as Global Market. It was created in response to the growing demand for quality manpower and HR Consultancy Services. EssNee operates in search & selection domain at middle and top-level positions along with specialization in Indian & International Recruitments. Our Selection Solutions: We offer the following selection processes depending on the selection requirements: • Database selection • Network selection • Head-hunting based selection • Turnkey / project based selection Our differentiation: We benefit from the insights gain by the many years of people solutions including Top Management Executive search operations by senior Management team of EssNee Management Consultants. a. Assessment Experience b. Strong Proprietary Processes c. Pan India Presence d. Large Professional Team e. Data Base EssNee has a large data base and excellent network and have successfully completed number of positions (also on project basis) in Technical as well as non Technical domain.

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