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Seamorny Vietnam
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Số D3 đường Hồng Kỳ, Phường Cát Lái, Thành phố Thủ Đức, TP Hồ Chí Minh
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1 lowongan

PerusahaanSeamorny Vietnam

Tentang kami

● We are the leading computer vision company in Vietnam, known for innovative solutions and recognized through numerous prestigious awards:
○ SK Accelerator 2020: Grand Prize Winner
○ Visa Everywhere Initiative 2018: Champion
● Our unique culture encourages creativity, exploration, and personal growth. Learn more about our philosophy here: EyeQ Career Page.
● Recently we stepped into an exciting field that can be billions of dollars, aquaculture and agriculture. Have a look at what we have built so far: https://youtu.be/1D8J933cWe0, and what we’re going to build together, https://youtu.be/ld6I9ld-t-Q


Performance bonus Performance bonus
Others Others
Flexible working time Flexible working time

Rujuk kandidat ke Seamorny Vietnam

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