QSoft Viet Nam
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Tầng 12 tòa nhà Lucky, 81 Trần Thái Tông, Dịch Vọng, Cầu Giấy, HN
Icon employee Jumlah Karyawan
2 orang
Icon Vacancies Jumlah lowongan
2 lowongan

PerusahaanQSoft Viet Nam

Tentang kami

QSoft Vietnam Corporation, with 20 years in the IT outsourcing market, has evolved from a traditional software development company into a leading provider of dedicated development teams for clients worldwide. We enable global IT consulting firms to scale efficiently by giving them access to top-tier developers in Vietnam. Rather than employing in-house developers, we partner with trusted software companies across the country, carefully curating and managing development teams tailored to each client’s needs. With our extensive network, we offer fast team ramp-up within two weeks, handpicked IT resources, and professional, consistent management throughout every project.




Gaji bulan ke-13 Gaji bulan ke-13
Asuransi sosial penuh Asuransi sosial penuh
Peninjauan gaji tahunan Peninjauan gaji tahunan
Perjalanan/trip perusahaan Perjalanan/trip perusahaan
Laptop/desktop untuk bekerja Laptop/desktop untuk bekerja
Bonus kinerja Bonus kinerja
Makan siang dan camilan gratis Makan siang dan camilan gratis

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