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The Atrium | Suites 536 & 537 | 1 Harefield Road Uxbridge | UB8 1EX
Icon employee Jumlah Karyawan
20 orang
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0 lowongan


Tentang kami

OptiRisk specializes in optimization and risk analytics and is renowned for its research and development of models and software systems in these domains. In the domain of Sentiment Analysis, OptiRisk is a partner of Thomson Reuters and RavenPack. The company has researched and published the Handbook of News Analytics in Finance and Handbook of Sentiment Analysis in Finance.


Flexible working time Flexible working time
Work-from-home policy Work-from-home policy

Rujuk kandidat ke Optirisk

Jika Anda mengenal teman yang mungkin tertarik bekerja di Optirisk, peluang ini untuk Anda.