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Cốc Cốc
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PerusahaanCốc Cốc

Tentang kami

Cốc Cốc - 1st local browser & search engine in Vietnam Cốc Cốc - Officially launched in May 2013, Cốc Cốc is a browser and search engine developed by Vietnamese developers. Cốc Cốc’s vision is to become the gateway to the Internet used every day by most Vietnamese in 2024. Cốc Cốc Browser - Based on open-source Chromium, Cốc Cốc browser integrates a number of features specifically designed for the needs and habits of Vietnamese internet users. Up to now, Cốc Cốc browser is available in desktop and mobile, with 24 million users and 10.2 million app installs. Cốc Cốc Search - is integrated on the Cốc Cốc Browser, optimizing search results for the Vietnamese language, helping users find more accurate information conveniently. Cốc Cốc Ads - Cốc Cốc owns a large online advertising platform with many premium ad formats, which is a partner of more than 7500 companies operating in more than 20 different business sectors. Cốc Cốc Cashback - Rewards, formerly known as RUNGRINH, is a cashback and shopping rewards. ... Once the member makes a purchase, CocCoc Rewards receives an affiliate commission from the retailer which is then shared with the member. Mission: To make Vietnamese people happier by helping them get the most of the digital world.

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