Workle Singapore - Agen perekrutan23555

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Looking for a job? Check out our career page Workle Recruitment Agency is an established, leading provider of professional recruitment, executive search and human capital management solutions on behalf of the world’s top organisations. Over at Workle, we provide a ONE-STOP Service for your recruitment or human resources need. We believe in personalizing our services through our dedicated and innovative approaches to meet your needs. As we understand Human Resources (HR) is the major issue of companies in Singapore especially with the lack of skilled employees in this growing economy. Workle was formed to provide ideal employers with the right employees based on organizational needs and requirements. Workle consults clients based their business models, organization culture and needs with candidates being offered a place only if they meet the stringent 90% fit of the organization requirement and culture. This methodology ensures the Right candidate is well placed in every organization, every time! Our role is to seek out dynamic individuals who can enhance and contribute actively to the success and growth of our clients’ businesses.

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