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Pharma Placements Inc - Agen perekrutan26481

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We started a career consultancy in its true sense; to help candidates enrolled with us, make more informed decisions about their careers. Pharma Placements Inc. simply goes miles ahead of just placements. It is our approach that has helped us win the confidence of candidates and the client organizations alike. Pharma placements Inc. (A division of Intellectual Competence Enhancers India Pvt. Ltd) features amongst one of the Top most Executive Search Firms in India catering exclusively to the requirements of the Pharmaceutical Industry. We have been of help to our client organizations in their endeavor to find suitable candidates to man various positions in their organizations. We have been able to earn the respect and confidence of our client organizations by our prompt and professional services. We adopt a penetrating approach to recruitment that goes beyond the norm, enabling us to tailor a precisely fitting solution to each assignment.

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