Kepler Search - Agen perekrutan23607

Headhunter | Recruiter
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Kepler Search is a leading executive search firm focused on Energy, Infrastructure Investments and Datacenter. We offer bespoke recruitment and human capital solutions. Our team of expert consultants and researchers have over 30 years of experience headhunting in our niche markets. We have an established network and our search methodology provides us unrivalled access to the best talent globally. People are the most valuable assets of a company as every organisation’s success is largely determined by the quality of its human capital. Kepler Search works in true partnership with you to understand hiring needs and growth plans. One solution does not fit all; we provide a tailored approach to achieve the best recruitment outcome for you. For more information, please visit us at Kepler Search Ptd. Ltd., EA Licence No. 18S9419

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