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HigherGround Executive Search and Consulting, OPC - Agen perekrutan25029

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Higher Ground Executive Search and Consulting, OPC is a headhunting and executive search firm based in the Philippines. Founded in 2017, (formerly Higher Ground Executive Search and consulting) Higher Ground is privileged to provide our clients with great talent at all levels and disciplines throughout the Philippines. Both clients and talents are important to Higher Ground for, without them, the business has no reason to exist. We value long-term relationships with internal teams, external partners, and candidates. We are focusing on our credibility in providing excellent services and placements of the best people. What sets us apart from the other executive search companies is our commitment to learning your company's culture quickly so that we can source, calibrate, and engage the best candidates for the job. All of our fees are reasonable, all-inclusive, and easily understood. So, when you need quality human capital, with Higher Ground expertise, your business will finally take the high ground!

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