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Sales Executive


Sales Sales Teamwork Market Research

Icon Location Lokasi
Icon Vacancies Total Lowongan
5 person(s)


13th month salary 13th month salary
Travel/company trips Travel/company trips
Salary review Salary review
Full social insurance Full social insurance

Gambaran besar dan Tanggung jawab pekerjaan

Our company is rapidly expanding our presence in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and the EU. We are seeking strong Sales Talents to join our global expansion team bringing our high value outsourcing services and solutions to global customers. The primary purpose of the Senior Sales Executive is responsible for establishing a Sales plan to generate leads, qualifying opportunities, nurturing and closing sales, to achieve the overall revenue target. - Works with the VMO Sales Director to develop programs to drive pipeline & close deals in the respective region. - Execute IT outsourcing sales plans. - Establishes and develops a customer base to drive pipelines and sales. - Develops sales best practices securing repeatable and expansive opportunities across regions. - Establish and nurture excellent customer relationships for sales referrals and farming opportunities. - Works and collaborates with Development units to ensure full sales cycle supports ensuring streamlined customer experience. - Collaborates and supports production teams to readily resolve customer issues. - Collaborates and supports the VMO sales team in Vietnam and other regions.

Keahlian dan pengalaman yang dibutuhkan

- Strong and fluent English speaker. - Minimum of 2-3 years in sales (IT software solutions fields). - Self-motivated and be able to work remote and with teams. - Strong understanding of the regional market and industry. - Ability to set goals, execute, monitor progress, and achieve targeted objectives. - Dynamic, open-minded, and growth driven.

Mengapa kandidat disarakan untuk posisi ini

- Review salary 1-2 times/year, with the possibility of an unexpected salary rise based on capacity an infinite number of times per year - Bonuses for the 13th month of employment, project bonuses, and company, Tet holiday, September 2, company birthday, ... - Holiday travel mode (package 5 million/person), team building (1 -2 times/year). - Full participation in social insurance, as well as a yearly health checkup at a reputable hospital. External insurance with the company's essential workers. - Comprehensive visit policy for personnel and relatives: birthday, marriage, childbirth, illness, etc. - The football club, cycling car, badminton, ... are just a few of the sports and cultural activities available. - Allowance for classes and training awards: Learning Star of the Month, - A chance to be the face of the year's study, the royalties...

Job Q&A

Hi, job này còn tuyển không ạ?

Hi, this role has been filled

Vị trí này chỉ yêu cầu 2-3 năm kinh nghiệm sale hay bắt buộc phải có kinh nghiệm sale IT software solutions ạ?

Hi, 2+ years of experience in Sales IT is a must for this role

jobv này còn tuyển không ạ

Yes, we are still hiring for this role

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