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50+ Full Stack Developer Teratas untuk Dipekerjakan di Buon Ma Thuot pada Juni 2024

Berikut adalah Full Stack Developer teratas yang tersedia untuk dipekerjakan di Buon Ma Thuot pada Juni 2024


Doan Truong

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

I graduated from Polytechnic Da Nang University of Viet Nam with an Engineering degree in IT. I have 3 years experience with Django, I familiar with REST APIs, good at SQL knowledge and design databases system, and I know Postgre. I believe with all of things I learned and worked, I will quickly adapt to the requirements of the job and execute the policies and regulations of your job.

Backend Developers Frontend Developers Full Stack Developers ReactJS Developers Python Developers

Hoàng Phi Khanh Lữ

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

- Have 5 years of working experience as Node JS / PHP Developer and is qualified to be a full-stack developer. Can communicate in English.

IT PHP Developers Full Stack Developers NodeJS Developers Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Huy Nguyen

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Have 20+ years of working experience as Senior Developer. Can communicate in English

Software Engineer Angular Developers C, C++ Developers Java Developers Full Stack Developers NodeJS Developers ReactJS Developers

Huu Thinh Nguyen

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

good communication in English

Full Stack Developers Python Developers

Hoang Duong

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

- soware engineer with more than 4 years of experience.

IT Software Engineer Full Stack Developers

Dien Tuan Anh

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Programming Language: Java, Golang, Python. Frameworks and libraries: Hibernate, Maven, J2EE, Spring Boot, Spring Core, EJB, JSF, Jasper, Stanford NLP, Go gin, Django, FastAPI, Sphinx, Solr, Rabbit MQ.

IT Software Engineer Full Stack Developers

Quang Trường Nguyễn

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

- Good communication in English

Backend Developers Frontend Developers Full Stack Developers

Quang Tri Nguyen

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Onboard: Đầu tháng 4, Expect salary: 1k500 USD

Full Stack Developers


Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

good communication in English

Full Stack Developers NodeJS Developers

Van Nguyen Bao

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

8 years experience as fullstack developer, some technical skill as below - Backend: PHP, Nodejs, Javascript, Express - Frontend: HTML, CSS, NextJs, ReactJs, Redux, AngularJs, TypeScrip - Database: MySQL English is fluently (toeic 880) Salary expectation: If company doesn't have legal entity in Viet Nam. His expectation is around 3000 USD. He want to safety but we can discuss

Backend Developers Frontend Developers Full Stack Developers

Loc Nguyen

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

- BE of Software Engineering from FPT University; - 3.5+ YOE in software development; - Experience to work with fullstack Javascript (NodeJS, ReactJS,...), Java (Spring Boot, Kotlin, Scala,...) and other skills; - Proficiency English skill (IELTS 7.5)

Java Developers Full Stack Developers

Ha Nguyen Thanh

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

10+ year experience as developer - Have experience to develop in Front-End with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular - Have experience to work in Back-End with Java technical - Have experience with Java 8, EJB, Springboot, EKS, Hibernate, Unit test - Good English (currently work for US company)

Java Developers Full Stack Developers

Phu Nguyen Luu Duc

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

7 years experience as web dev, fullstrack Technical skill: PHP, Nodejs, Reactjs Experience in Blockchain company Salary expectation: 3200-3500 USD (NET), current 2k7 NET Good English (Ussually work with clients in Asia)

Backend Developers Software Engineer Frontend Developers Full Stack Developers

Dung Truong

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

- good communication in English

Java Developers Full Stack Developers

Minh Quân Đoàn

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

good communication in English

PHP Developers Full Stack Developers

Phương Nam Lê

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

good communnication in English

Full Stack Developers .NET Developers

Dat Hoang

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Container platform: K8s, Openshift 3.11, Openshift 4.5 Cloud Platform: AWS (EC2, S3, EKS) Container Runtime: Docker, cri-o CI/CD: Jenkins DB versioning: Flyway SourceCode mgmt: Git/Bitbucket Key mgmt: Vault Config mgmt: Ansible Identity + DNS Record mgmt: Redhat IdM Provision Infra: Terraform(Vsphere, EKS) Apps Definition: Helm 2, 3 Streaming & Messaging: RabbitMQ, Kafka(just lab) Virtualization: Vmware/Vsphere(just lab) Coding skill: Bash, Groovy (Basic), Python3 Monitoring: Prometheus(Federation+alertmanager)/Grafana Logging: Filebeat/Logstash/Graylog/ElasticSearch Troubleshooting: Faulty segmentation mindset, tcpdump, wireshark to analyze packets

Backend Developers Devops Engineer Frontend Developers Full Stack Developers Database Administrator Data engineer Data scientist

Quang Huy Nguyen

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

good communication in English

Software Engineer Java Developers Full Stack Developers

Anh Viet Le

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

good communication in English

Software Engineer Full Stack Developers NodeJS Developers

Duc Hoang Nguyen

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

good communication in English

Java Developers Full Stack Developers ReactJS Developers

Tiến Lợi Nguyễn

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

good communication in English

Software Engineer Full Stack Developers

Lộc Bình Trương

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

good communication in English

Software Engineer Full Stack Developers

Anh Nguyen Ha Viet

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

10 years experience as Developer, more fullstrack, strong backend Experience with healthcare system Technical skill: - Backend: NodeJs, PHP - Frontend: HTML, CSS, Reactjs, VueJs - Database: MySQ, PostgreSQL, Redis Good English communication Salary expectation: 2000 USD

Backend Developers Frontend Developers Full Stack Developers Technical Architect

Hoang Van Cuong

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

- English (both writing and speaking – very confident) - Technical: Typescript, Node, GraphQL, Express, AWS, React, Vue, Angular, HTML, Web worker, SCSS, WebSocket, Webpack, Next, Nextjs, MaterialUI, Bootstrap, Antd, Storybook, d3.js. jQuery, Jest, Enzyme, Puppeteer, Gulp, Git, FireBase, Facebook API, Youtube API, Google API, Google Lighthouse - Able to Teamwork/work independently - Able to work pressure

IT Unity Developers PHP Developers Software Engineer Frontend Developers Android Developers C, C++ Developers

Phương Nguyễn Hoàng Đông

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

- C#, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS

Software Engineer Full Stack Developers .NET Developers

Khoa Dam Quang

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

5 years experience with fluent in English!

Software Engineer Devops Engineer Full Stack Developers

Dung Truong

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Software Engineer

Backend Developers Software Engineer Frontend Developers Java Developers Full Stack Developers

An Nguyen Hoang

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Senior software developer with 10 years of experience in designing, developing, and testing software applications. Strong knowledge in C++, OOP concepts, Design principles & patterns. Knowledge of advanced level programming in C++ including smart pointers, multithreading, thread synchronization, multi-processing, concurrency, and TCP/IP Socket Programming. Experience in: Java, PHP, Python, Javascript. Database experience: MySQL, SQL Server. Thorough knowledge of game programming, development, optimization, debugging, and troubleshooting methods. Good experience in graphics programming, 3D programming, and mathematics. Good experience in using versioning tools: SVN or GIT. Experienced in working on Agile/SCRUM projects. Good experience in software development on Linux OS environment. Have good experience in using Batch script/Shell script. Experienced in using Azure cloud. Experienced in using docker. Working experience in Qt/Qml

IT Backend Developers Unity Developers PHP Developers Software Engineer Devops Engineer Angular Developers

Son Nguyen

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

>5 years exp

IT Backend Developers PHP Developers Software Engineer Devops Engineer Angular Developers Frontend Developers

Thai Bui Van Thai

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Summary  18 years of experience in software industry.  More 12 years as Team Leader, Project Manager, Head of Engineer CTO  Domain: Market research, Insurance Tech, Oil and Gas Industry, Nuclear Plan, Health Tech, Fin Tech, Property Tech.  Experience working with EU ( Denmark, Norway, France) and USA.  Build and manage development team, release high quality, scalable  Knowledge as well SDLC.  Having business mindset, apply right technical for busin

IT Backend Developers Unity Developers PHP Developers Software Engineer Devops Engineer Angular Developers


Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Senior Fullstack Web Developer

IT Full Stack Developers


Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Have a good problem solving skill. • Detail oriented for feature and function. • Willing to learn. • Enjoy technology. • Able to quickly learn new technologies. • Able to work independently and team. • Teaching skills • Plan and report skill. Experience with frameworks: php - Laravel, Golang - Go-gin, asp.net - webform, nodejs - nestjs • Experience with mysql, postgresql, mongodb • Experience with facebook api, google api • Experience with rest api, swagger document, graphql document. • Create an environment and deploy a website on server vps (centos). • I know basic docker. • used to work with smart contract • Use to service moralis server listen to event from smart contract and handle data return sync to database • Funny, friendly, proactive and responsible.

Backend Developers Full Stack Developers NodeJS Developers


Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY  About 05 years of experience in software development, involved in software requirement analysis, design, development, implementation, deployment and support.  Very good requirement analysis and customer support abilities.  Good team work skill.  Flexibility and Creativity  Can work in high pressure, have interest in challenging missions  Programming experience using Java and Javascript  Skill set and experience using open sources frameworks: Nodejs, Expressjs  Good experience in working with databases: My SQL SOFTWARE  Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, TypeScript  Backend Framework: Nodejs, Expressjs  Frontend Framework: VueJs, Angular, Bootstrap, CSS  Databases: MySQL.  Tools: VSCode, Git

Backend Developers Full Stack Developers NodeJS Developers

Le Duy Hoang

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Strong fullstack

Software Engineer Full Stack Developers

Limon MD

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Full-stack Java developer with hands-on experience more than 4 years in designing, developing, and maintaining web applications. Processes diverse experience of creating multiple highly scalable applications using different tech stacks. Adept at understanding the requirements of the client and delivering the project accordingly. Demonstrates the capability of maintaining code by fixing bugs as well as conducting end to end testing. Highly skilled at collaborating with team members to deliver beautiful products within deadlines. Additionally, other than my native language I can speak 2 different foreign languages English (Fluent) and Japanese (N3 Beginner Level). Looking forward to applying the acquired gamut of skills in a challenging role.

IT Software Engineer Java Developers Full Stack Developers

Nguyen Thanh

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Thanh có khoảng 6 năm kinh nghiệm với PHP/NodeJS và khoảng 1 năm với Golang. Về Frontend thì mình cũng có làm HTML/CSS/JS và 1 số framework như dưới mô tả. - PHP - Yii2, Laravel, Slim, Lumen, LaravelZero... - NodeJS - ExpressJS/NestJS/KoaJS... - Golang - Gogin/Revel - VueJS - NuxtJS/Vuetify - ReactJS - NextJS

Full Stack Developers NodeJS Developers VueJS Developers

Ngo Thu

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Full stack more than 5 years and React Native more than 3.5 years

Frontend Developers Full Stack Developers

Tien Dinh

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

● Haveexperienceinomnichannelsolutionforane-commerceplatform,managingbothfront-end and backend team

Backend Developers Full Stack Developers

Quan Tran

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Good at Engish and strong technical skills

IT Software Engineer Angular Developers Frontend Developers Full Stack Developers .NET Developers Embedded Developers

Thinh Le Quoc

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot


Software Engineer Full Stack Developers .NET Developers QA, QC, Tester QA, QC, Tester

Nguyen Ngo

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot


Software Engineer Full Stack Developers .NET Developers Mobile Developers

Nguyen Quang Huy

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Senior PHP developer with 8+ YOE. Good English.

Backend Developers Software Engineer Frontend Developers Full Stack Developers .NET Developers

Viet Tran Tuan

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Viet Tran is a talented full-stack developer with a decade of experience working. He holds a Bachelor's degree from Hanoi University of Technology and has acquired proficiency in multiple tech skills such as Nextjs, Nestjs, Reactjs, Nodejs, AWS SDK, Docker, Kubernetes, and testing tools such as Jest and Cypress. He is also skilled in JavaScript and SQL. At Refinable Marketplace, Viet works as a Full-stack Developer and has expertise in building large-scale blockchain marketplace applications using his Nextjs and Nestjs skills. At Certus SETA International, he developed software to parse and manage medical job orders utilizing Reactjs, Redux, Typescript, S3, and SQS to make services scalable. Viet's side projects include creating a battle card game project using web3, a chatbot using OpenAI, a Nestjs boilerplate, and a ticketing system using Typescript for MongoDB. He has been recognized for his outstanding work and has been certified as an AWS Solution Architect Associate.

Software Engineer C, C++ Developers Full Stack Developers .NET Developers

Viet Nguyen Quoc

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Senior Full stack engineer

Software Engineer Full Stack Developers #.Net Core Developers

Phạm Nghĩa

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

My objective is to contribute my technical expertise and passion for creating engaging user experiences to an innovative tech company. I am motivated to learn and grow in a collaborative environment and seek challenging projects that expand my skill set. I have 2 years of experience in front-end development using ReactJS, 1 year of experience in NextJS, proficiency in related technologies such as Redux, GraphQL, and HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and proficiency in Figma for UI/UX design. Additionally, I am skilled in back-end development using NodeJS (ExpressJS), MongoDB, Restful API, and Strapi.

IT PHP Developers Devops Engineer Angular Developers Frontend Developers C, C++ Developers Java Developers

Thiều Văn Thuận

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Kinh nghiệm 1 năm lập trình web với reactjs

IT Frontend Developers Full Stack Developers UI/UX Designer ReactJS Developers

Đàm Quốc Vẻ

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Fullstack Dev

Software Engineer Full Stack Developers

Phúc Đinh Thành

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Fullstack Dev

Software Engineer Full Stack Developers

Vitthal Awate

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Total 11 years of experience in Software Development. Strong backend developer with flexibility or willing to work on any backend technology. Adoptable to any tech stack and good in SDLC(from requirement gathering to delivery). Very good in GoLang(since last 3 years) and can lead team for Golang. Worked on Java(Spring Boot) and PHP(core, Laravel, WordPress) previously and open for respective opportunities.

Software Engineer Full Stack Developers

Tâm Vũ Đăng

Full Stack Developer
location Buon Ma Thuot

Fullstack Developer

IT Full Stack Developers