[HN] Technical Sales Representative


Icon salary Mức lương
Lên đến $1.960
Icon Location Khu vực

Phúc lợi

Lương tháng 13 Lương tháng 13
Bảo hiểm nâng cao Bảo hiểm nâng cao
Thưởng chỉ tiêu Thưởng chỉ tiêu
Du lịch/Công tác Du lịch/Công tác
Đánh giá lương hàng năm Đánh giá lương hàng năm
Bảo hiểm full lương Bảo hiểm full lương

Tổng quan về công việc và trách nhiệm

Key Roles - Operate Food and Flavor sales in responsible customers/areas. - Establish and maintain relationships with high-potential clients/key customers. Key Activities - Operate Food and Flavor sales in responsible customers/areas. - Respond to customer requirements and establish good relationships with high-potential clients/key customers. - Offer pricing based on the company’s pricing structure, with management’s approval. Expected Results - Achieve increasing sales according to target or higher. - Regularly secure projects with high annual purchase potential and collect customer feedback for product improvements. Reporting - Submit Food and Flavor sample delivery requests as per customer requirements. - Provide accurate information on customer feedback for sample submissions to improve products. - Follow up with customers on project progress. - Provide sales reports to supervisors. - Monitor stock and handle purchase orders with supervisor approval. Additional Activities - Provide sales forecasts periodically to supervisors. - Ensure no dead stock or slow-moving inventory. - Effectively communicate customer requirements to suppliers and coordinate product modifications until they meet customer needs. Compliance - Adhere to company regulations and maintain good behavior at work. - Ensure quality supply according to company policies. Self-Development - Contact suppliers to gather information and gain on-the-job experience. - Develop presentation skills to effectively present to customers, with supplier support. - Attend training sessions to improve work efficiency. Other Responsibilities - Perform tasks assigned by superior officers. - Represent the company in maintaining professional conduct. Expected Outcomes - Gain skills, knowledge, and experience in Food and Flavor for both products and market.

Kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm tối thiểu

- Minimum 3-5 years of sales experience in food ingredients or flavoring for the food industry. - Knowledge of the meat and seafood sectors, particularly in canned food production. - Ability to approach customers and work with international suppliers using English fluently. - Strong communication skills, encompassing both social and scientific knowledge. - Well-organized and capable of managing large amounts of data and information across numerous customer projects.

Tại sao ứng viên nên làm ở đây

- Full salary during a 2-month probationary period, including full social insurance contributions from the start. - Comprehensive PVI health insurance. - Annual health check-ups and cancer screening. - Company trips. - 13th-month salary. - Performance-based bonuses. - Annual salary adjustments. - Clear career path with opportunities for promotions and salary increments.

Ưu tiên có kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm

- Prefer if you're male

Báo cáo cho

Sales Director

Quá trình phỏng vấn

1st round with Sales Director, Manager > Optional round with HQ

David Tan

Headhunter | Recruiter
employee 87 ứng viên
cup 22 phỏng vấn
health 7 đi làm

Ứng tuyển vào công việc này

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David Tan

Headhunter | Recruiter
Icon employee 87 ứng viên
Icon cup 22 phỏng vấn
Icon health 7 đi làm

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